Wednesday, March 9, 2011

movement & such

I am 18 weeks and 2 days today and i still have NOT felt this stinky man child move.

what the heck?

with jax, i felt movement at 14 weeks, i am not even kidding. i know thats early, but its the truth.

the sonographer said she sees him moving around like a normal baby, but why don't i feel it?!

it sort of upsets me.

in other news..

we are pretty set on the name Mason. I've loved Mason Mckay for a pretty long time now. Andrew doesn't like Mckay, and he also brought to my attention that it doesn't have any special importance. its just a name i pulled out of thin air. i didn't care about this though at first, and now i'm starting to. i am thinking more and more about how names to need to mean something. i know now that i want Mason named after my Dad. His first name is Joseph.


its Joseph Mason
or Mason Joseph

neither one rolls of my tongue great. but i WILL name him after my dad. which do you like best?


we're decorating in Monsters! yay! so fun. my friend kim has gotten me all pumped up about how cute its gonna be. she's amazing at creating just about anything, so i am very excited to help make Mason's room. His colors are red, gray, blue and yellow. jax's room is jungle and his colors are light green, dark green, orange, yellow, brown and tan. i want Mason's room to be completely different. And i want his favorite color to be red. with jax , i wanted his favorite color to be green and i succeeded!

anyway jax is getting more and more excited for his brother, although he STILL says he wants a stister! what the heck! i told him someday, he should hopefully get one of each. he's already choosing out his and mason's halloween costumes. i sure do love that boy. i can't wait to see what mason'll be like. no one could have as much personality as jax! i am hoping mason will just be a calm sweetheart that wants to cuddle with his mama.

August 1st seems so far away!


  1. Maybe he is just trying to give momma a break? I didn't feel Oaklee til about 16 weeks. And you must post pics once you have his room done!! Just a thought....what about Mason Jo?? Just a thought

  2. I didn't feel Olivia move until I was pretty far along too. When they did the ultrasound did they tell you where your placenta was? Mine was on top so I never really felt her kick until it was super strong. I felt Kelton really early. Kynley my placenta was lower so I didn't feel her until she started kicking up higher. It's so funny how different each pregnancy is. Mason's room sounds SO cute! I can't wait to see it!! i like how Mason Joe Talbot sounds!

  3. I like Mason Joseph... I like it when kids have their own first name, but still named after someone, as the middle name...
