Friday, January 14, 2011

First Appt.

I started this blog to remember the details of being pregnant! i did it a little bit with jax, but i'd like to do a better job this time. its always interesting to go back and read.

We had our first appointment Jan 3 , 2011. My Dr. is Dr. Lunt, but i see Lisa Borunda (i think thats her name) a lot of the time. she is a nurse practitioner and i really like her! well i got a good old pap smear which was the highlight of my week, NOT! We tried to hear a heartbeat, but couldn't because i was only 9 weeks. So we did an ultrasound. We saw the baby's heartbeat! It was crazy, and at that moment i thought, ok maybe this is real... (although i'm STILL struggling with that concept) Andrew was there with me. It was so dang awesome to see that heartbeat. Well, the Lisa couldn't exactly read how far along i was , so she scheduled me two days later to come in and get a real ultrasound. she said i was measuring small, like 7 weeks instead of 9. I wasn 't too happy about that, dealing with the awesomeness of morning sickness.

So,  a couple days later, i got the ultrasound. My uterus is SO tipped that they couldn't get a very good reading, so i had to do a vaginal scan. they stuck this little stick up my you know what, it was too bad though. we heard the heartbeat again and got a much clearer picture. i WAS 9 weeks, not 7, so that was fabulous to hear. Also, a pregnancy cyst was discovered on my ovary. but apparently, these are kind of normal, and they help give the baby nutrients. if i didn't hear that from the Dr herself, i wouldn't believe that. sounds like a big fat load of crap! its there though, because i am having super painful cramps here and there, and i think Mr. Cyst is to blame. The heartbeat was 165, which was normal. the old wives tale about the heart rate is not true at all. that was sad, because according to that theory, i'd be having a girl.

lets all be honest here. i want a girl. wouldn't you?

so that's about it. my next appt is in Feb, so i'll update then, or TRY.

so far, I'm:

-so tired
-so unmotivated
-so lazy
-so hungry like every dang hour! but mostly everything sounds good to eat, so that's nice! no real cravings yet, except maybe comfort food. i don't want things with strong flavors anymore, like hot wings or onions. not fun to imagine burping or barfing up.
-sweets aren't necessary for me like they used to be. i guess i'm craving more salty than sweet. (that means boy)
-morning sickness is there, but not half as bad as with jax. i've thrown up maybe a total of 7 times so far. i get sick throughout the day, but i don't throw up.
- my hair is shinier, skin is clearer, and i feel prettier. (weird)

signs lead to boy....we'll see!

Monday, January 10, 2011