There isn't much to update actually. this pregnancy has been pretty normal and quiet so far. We had another ultrasound to see Mason's heart and upper lip. he FINALLY cooperated enough to look at those things, and they look great! My sonographer is STILL bugging me about drinking water. Apparently i'm STILL not drinking enough! I'm drinking more everyday than i ever have in my entire life! what is the deal?? i'm SO sick of peeing every 5 minutes! During the ultrasound, Mason kept moving his little lips, like he was talking. it was the cutest thing ever! We sure are getting excited! 3 more months to go!
I made the mistake of looking at the scale.. dangit. something i told myself i wouldn't do. and yep..a couple hours of tears followed after that. i get SO DANG chunky when i'm pregnant. i retain water like no one's business. its sickening. no cute little "baby bump" for me. my WHOLE body is pregnant. yuck! when i go on walks, i get these stabbing pains in my belly, really not fun at all. the doc said its normal, and that i should do other exercises like a stationary bike..sure, does he wanna buy one for me?
other than the drinking problem and the weight gain, I am blessed to have such easy pregnancies. (knock on wood)
the "drinking problem" haha that just sounds funny