Friday, February 25, 2011

Names we (well I) like

Girl names:


Lydia Jane.
if we had twins, we'd do Lydia Jane & Ivy Lucille (call her Lucy)

other names i  like: Hazel, Hadley, Lyla, Leah, Violet, CheyAnne ,Charlotte, AnnaBella, MaryJane (if it didn't mean marajuana)

Boy Names:

Lincoln Mckay (Andrew doesn't like Mckay, i don't really care)
Mason Mckay
Mason Luke
Lincoln Conor
Lincoln David
Mason David

names i like:

Joseph Conor (call him Conor, Joseph is my dad's first name)
Franklin (my grandpa's name, would be used as a middle name)

Andrew doesn't throw many names to the table AT ALL , & the ones i think of he doesn't like very much. Fun huh?

pretty much , we're down to these:

Lydia Jane (both family history names)
Lincoln (i want Mckay and andrew wants some family name but won't think of one)


  1. All great names! :) When we went to the hospital to have my little girl the two names we had were Lydia and Lillie. Lydia is still a top contender for me. So beautiful!

  2. Mason is one of my fav boy names. Anthony says if this baby is a boy and doesn't look like a Royal we can name him Mason. Lydia is very pretty!!
