This is nuts . i'm 6 months pregnant. its going by sooo fast this time, although it does seem like i've been pregnant forever now. weird.
So far, this really has been a pretty easy pregnancy. Things are going well, baby is doing fine for all i know. Andrew & I have been getting things ready for M's room, and oh man, its looking CUTE! i am so excited! Andrew spray painted his crib light blue, changing table yellow, I ordered some light blue"oil cloth" online to use for his changing table ( i learned last baby that whatever is on the changing table gets DIRTY , so it needs to be washable), spray painted DI shelves red, painted 6 milk crates different colors (they will be like shelves in his room kind of), painted a red "M" for his room. My friend Kim made his crib blanket which is adorable and i love it! she's also working on the rest of his crib set, pillows, etc. i'm soooooo dang excited. she has great ideas! i'm ordering monster books from e-bay to put on his shelves, and hats from etsy to use for his newborn pics. Jax helped me also made a flag garland (is that what they're called?) that's hanging on one of his walls, and i cut out some vinyl words with my cricut! so fun! you can't say we're not prepared for this little man! i am so thankful for andrew, he has been helping me make all my ideas happen. and i have EVERYTHING planned out, and its coming together so well! can't wait to take pics!
i also wanted to write down how the two pregnancies have been different & alike.
-I am soooo tired this pregnancy. with jax was i this tired? i don't think so..but i didn't have a crazy 3 yr old at that time either.
-I have had morning sickness this whole pregnancy , and i had it the whole time with jax too. the difference is, the sickness was worse with jax at the first of the pregnancy. i threw up lots more. now, either i know how to control it better. (don't cough, that triggers it, eat FIRST thing in the morning, if i do feel the need to vomit, i look up and take deep breaths and concentrate hard on not throwing up.)
-Mason's kicks are more gentle where Jax's were more spastic and rough. maybe mason will kick harder as time goes on, but by this time jax was kicking harder. i also felt jax waaaay earlier than Mas. I felt jax at 14 weeks, Mason at 19 weeks.
- this time i am having trouble with having enough amniotic fluid, where with jax, that was never an issue. my sonographer is always on my case about drinking tons of water. my levels are low, but not too low. as the summer hits though, i will have to drink even MORE water (i'm ordered to drink 90 oz now)
- my belly doesn't seem as big as it was with jax. oh, i'm gaining the weight alright. in my face, arms, thighs, butt. but not my belly so much. figures! it could have a lot to do with the whole low amniotic fluid thing (that would make my belly seem smaller) , and the fact that i don't drink enough water makes me retain water, therefore making my whole body fat. blah.
- i am having lots of pelvic pressure pain and tailbone pain. i don't think i remember that so much with jax. i wonder if that means this baby is sitting lower?
- that's all i can think of right now.
i love talking about Mason with Jax. he's understanding things and that's so exciting. i'll say "go put this in mason's room", sometimes jax will talk to my belly, trying to wake mason up or tell him things. sometimes if jax is pulling one of his dramatic fits, i will tell him that mason is kicking my belly too because he hears someone screaming and being mean to his mom and he doesn't like it, and it scares him. that usually stops jaxon because HE'S the one being mean to mom. and he'll think about that for a minute. we talk about how jax is the older brother and when Mason is born he can't pee or poop in the potty, he goes in his diaper because he's a baby. jax will say, "well mom, you can just hold him over the potty so he can go in it" . hahaha i love that kid. i am so excited for him to get a little brother. it will be a big change for him, but so good. he's so gentle and sweet with babies, i love that about him. he'll see commercials with babies and ask "mom, are we gonna have a baby like that?" so cute! and sometimes i'll come home from my doc appts , and he'll say "where's the baby?", he thinks i go there to get the baby out. he's very concerned about the doctors hurting me to get the baby out. i tell him the doctors will take good care of me and fix me. he seems to be fine with that answer.
well this is longer than i wanted...
we have yet another ultrasound on the 20th, i will keep this updated!